Foundation For Women’s Cancer joins the International Gynecologic Cancer Society (IGCS) in support of their latest initiative to declare the month of June as Uterine Cancer Awareness Month. While cervical cancer has a designated month of recognition in January and Gynecologic Cancer Awareness Month (GCAM) is recognized in September, there has not historically been a specific month, week or day reserved for the recognition of uterine cancer. In June 2023 and beyond, IGCS, in partnership with FWC and many other nonprofit and advocacy organizations, hopes to share information and resources that will educate individuals about uterine cancer, drive early detection, and ultimately save lives.

Uterine cancer (also called endometrial or womb cancer) doesn’t get the same media attention. Uterine cancer is the most common gynecologic cancer among women residing in high-income countries. And unlike many other cancers, the incidence and death rates are rising. The number of deaths from this disease has been increasing by almost 2 percent each year, with even sharper spikes among Asian, Hispanic, and Black women in the United States. If more women are informed of the risk factors and symptoms to look out for, they will be empowered with the knowledge to advocate for themselves and seek medical help sooner. Early detection is key.

Women's Cancers New 2023